SETA is a group of State representatives (similar to ASTA) of science technicians from the Secondary education sector in Australia. It is a means of expanding the horizons of associations and provides a mechanism for greater sharing of information across State borders. It is not set-up to over-ride or replace the associations in each State as these groups play a vital role in providing many benefits to individuals on a State level.
SETA membership comprises members from all the state associations.
The SETA website is a notice board containing information about each State association and their committee details with links to their web-page if available.
Relevant conferences will be publicised to encourage interaction of technicians from various states and other general information can also be included – for instance useful web-sites such as STA’s, SETA’s current projects/involvements, upcoming conferences, science technician achievements, relevant news information.
Go to the SETA webpage here available as a public viewing page.
National Forum on the Role and Support Structures for School Laboratory Technicians in Australian Secondary Schools