Relief Laboratory Technicians

The LTAV manages a list of school laboratory technicians who are available to cover temporary positions within school laboratories.
Positions that may need a relief technician while the regular technician is absent may include long service leave, general leave, or immediate cover required due to unforeseeable circumstances. The number of days per week, duration of work, and wages is determined by and provided by the school.

If you are interested in being on the relief technicians list and fit the following criteria please contact Maeve at

  • Have experience working within a school laboratory – relief technicians are expected to have school laboratory experience and should not require on the job training.
  • Are available 1 or more days during the week and are able to commit to the duration of any roles taken on.
  • To apply to be on the list, please complete and email the information form to

What to expect when you sign up to be a relief technician:

  • Your information will be sent to any schools asking for relief technicians. If you fit their criteria the school will contact you directly. They may invite you for an interview to determine if you are suitable for the role. LTAV plays no part in providing you with the position, we only provide your information to the school.

You will be routinely contacted by LTAV to check if you are still interested in being a relief technician. However, to keep our list up to date as possible, we would appreciate it if you could:

  • Let us know if you can no longer be a relief technician.
  • Would like to change your personal information.
  • Inform us if you partake in relief work that lasts more than a week. This will prevent us from providing your details to schools when you are unavailable to work.

Information for schools looking for a relief technician to cover a technician’s absence:
Please contact Maeve at and you will be provided with the relief lab technician list, free of charge. The list can be used to directly contact any suitable candidates.
You can also request for a temporary position to be advertised on the LTAV listserv. Please provide the following details in your email:

  • School name.
  • Specific days of the week required to work.
  • Daily hours of work.
  • Duration of total work.
  • If the work is subject specific e.g. VCE chemistry, please include this information.
  • Contact person’s name and email and/or telephone number.
  • Any other information that you feel is relevant to the position that you wish to be advertised.