
Descriptors are taken from the organisations’ websites.
VICTORIAN INDEPENDENT EDUCATION UNION  represents members who work in non government education in Victoria.
Whether you are in teaching or non-teaching employment (such as laboratory staff), you are eligible to join VIEU. For information about VIEU, go to the website or talk to an organiser on 9254 1860.

AUSTRALIAN EDUCATION UNION – Benefits of joining the AEU include advice regarding work agreements, professional support and development programs, union training and free legal advice regarding work matters

Community and Public Sector Union has a national membership of 200,000 including colleagues employed right across the Victorian Public Sector. Together with our members, the Union conducts a never ending campaign to improve the terms and conditions of employment, as well as providing specialist individual help or representation if you need it. CPSU offers industrial protection and that ensures you have the principal public sector organisation looking after your working rights, winning wage increases, protecting your conditions, and providing personal industrial assistance when you need it.
In addition, the Union also, provides a wide range of membership benefits and services.


Cospak – glass and plastic containers
Cider House Tech Pty Ltd  – Pasco data loggers (contact Doug Bail)
Edusupplies – suppliers and servicers of microscopes
Electus who are the wholesaler for Jaycar and much cheaper.
Gallay Medical & Scientific Pty. Ltd.
Haines Educational
Jaycar Electronics
MadLab lab supplies (Adam Selinger)
Principles and Practice (Harvey Edwards repair services)
Rowe Scientific
Science Supply Australia P/L
Scientrific – incl. Vernier data loggers
Southern Biological Supplies
The Logical Interface



DEECD has a new OHS web page.